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The Story

Greetings Fellow Adventurers:

I’m Scott… life hacker, entrepreneurial adventurer, and personal freedom fighter.

If you’ve found this page on your own, we likely have a lot in common. Entrepreneurship Adventures is a content series that enables me to capture some of my perspectives of what I see as opportunities for you to build lifestyle businesses.

I’ve managed to get to a spot in life where I’ve looked at my options, taken some risks, endure some hardships, and manage to come out the other side intact with a few battle scars. 

Most importantly is the perspective that being able to being able to generate income on your own terms is a very fulfilling and personally rewarding way of life.

A bit of background...

From an early age, and throughout life, I learned one fundamental thing that continues to benefit me to this day. A professional curiosity combined with hard work will set you apart from people that are just going through the motions of life half-heartedly. Questioning conventional wisdom is something that came naturally to me as an instinct. This is always an uncomfortable feeling since the vast majority of people you encounter in life will not think the way you do. The big payoff is when you discover something untapped, undiscovered, unexplored. The payoff is fun, satisfying, rewarding, exhilarating, and rare. I questioned the social constructs of schooling, career development, work. But to experience it for myself, I followed society’s roadmap and gave 100% effort to see the result with a sceptical eye, and my observations were revealing. I was side-by-side with some of the smartest people on the planet, but I was not at their level academically and it was a humbling experience. Yet these same people went on to change career paths, or pursue relatively static progression of their chosen field, nothing remarkable. And here I am snapping my fingers, bringing another business to life, creating value, and hopefully enabling others to pursue their passion projects through life. Doing an MBA was another conventional achievement marker, demonstrating applied knowledge in the business world. This experience absolutely helped me strengthen my views on the world that seeing things differently was the key to unlimited opportunities, and ultimately personal freedoms. My main take-away from this experience was “Learn from Great People” and it doesn’t end when finishing some educational program. It’s lifelong.

What is my purpose with this?

The greatest learning experiences of my life have been gained travelling to many different parts of the world for work, and ultimately leaving my home country permanently to settle in a country largely unknown to me. Imagine selling everything you own and moving to the opposite side of the world to start fresh with no job, no contacts, no leads, and a foreign accent. You have to give yourself discomfort to trigger the survival instinct which I believe is critical to break new ground in business and life.

You want to be master of your professional destiny? You need to be the boss, the company owner, in charge, accountable only to your valued customers and the market which you play in.

Entrepreneurship is something I have held onto closely as a skill set, and cultivated slowly over time. Through my progressive work experience working for others, I have used these positions to learn what clients are willing to pay for, what they expect in return, and most importantly, things that you would never want to deal with in your own business. I’m a slow-burn entrepreneur, and would like it no other way. Go at the pace that suits you, incorporate things that will allow you to generate income early, and focus on customer retention and continual iteration. Be consistent, and your brand will flourish.

Ask me about...

Marketing Specifics?
Product Development, Product Management, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Services and Marketing Automation, Marketing Groups & Franchising.

General Work/Life Balance?
Family Life, Founder, CEO, Corporate Consultant and Investor.

My Latest Experiments
Property Investments, Podcasting, Influencer Marketing and more…

My Priorities
I have found my way with a portfolio of projects and exciting prospects to build out over time. What is important to me is Evolution and Legacy, and making a societal contribution to the best of one’s ability. And so I will always be open to sharing my learnings, methods, and mindsets, may they never go out of style!

How about you?

I like to amplify people’s efforts. New Product Launch? Let’s Talk. Skilled at something and want to bring it to more people worldwide? Let’s Talk. So how can I help you? I help people start and grow meaningful businesses based on their skills, interests and goals for personal freedom. We can talk for 15min, 30 min, or more. Invest in yourself and your ideas, and reach your goals sooner. Video and Phone chat’s are fun, but if you want the Entrepreneurship Adventure experience, let’s meet to explore in the LaunchPad Starship Jeep or the LaunchPad Rover Jet Boat to access inspirational settings for clear and constructive thoughts.